what: a moderately attractive hipster-y, rock-ish, scary-kinda lesbian in her late 20s/early 30s. her perfectly and perfectly disheveled hair, clothes, general demeanor, attitude and aura. the subject works at a fun, dark and dirty bar in recently-awesome downtown los angeles, and was the only bartender working at the time. her behavior was closely monitored, although it was quickly obvious that her actions were limited to grabbing the occasional beer and chatting with the regulars.
when: sunday jan 11, 3:00pm
where: bar 107, LA, CA
how: lesbian bartender was spotted following an intense ice skating session in the middle of a january heat wave, so the other observers and i were rather excited to grab a sunday afternoon beer (my initial instinct was to order champagne, but due to the recent economic climate, i settled for a newcastle, aka "the poor lesbian's champagne."). one of my companions, JB, is sapphically-inclined and instantly confirmed the sighting. this is the first time a sighting has been confirmed.
notes: i really wanted to like this lesbian. i really wanted her to be nice, and fun, and coooooool... but i kinda got the feeling that she wasn't. in fact, were i not so kind and understanding and able to intuit that she was just tired and cranky (she did look a little drag-ass), i'd venture to say that she was kinda a bitch (F-U, lady). the specimen's temperament was unpleasant, but i'm sure she has other redeemable qualities.