what: an older lesbian couple, who could be considered nothing less than the opposite of the nubile sapphically-inclined lilo/samro pairing. conversation was overheard regarding a new duvet for their marital bed (please not this term is used figuratively, as lesbians in california may no longer marry. thanks, prop 8!). one half of the couple, whom we shall call "bessie," was wearing flannel. the other, "gena," wore an oversized t-shirt and high waisted denim. specimens exhibit classic middle aged lesbo markings and behavior.
when: 6:03pm, monday jan 5
where: target sherman oaks
how: middle aged couple lesbos were easily identifiable. however, the great bedding discussion of 2009 offers conclusive evidence that these two are, in fact, middle aged couple lesbos.
notes: in order to ensure that i was not miscategorizing the subjects, it was imperative that i eavesdropped. while they talked, i listened and pretended to consider several hideous sheet sets and one zebra print pillow decorated with a ridiculous amount of feathers. as a dedicated observer of the lesbian species, these steps were necessary.
Watch it, kiddo. "Middle-aged lesbians shopping for bedding" have become the new cool, particularly to oft paired-and-repaired thirty-somethings. There's a lot to be said for someone to feed the cats and pick up your blood pressure meds when your back is sore.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, let she who is without flannel cast the first stone.